This document contains information on
package) can be used and managed, andThe easiest to read the documentation is to go to the package website to see all documentation of the functions under the menu item Reference and to access further documentation in the “Articles” menu. The articles are also available as vignettes in the R package LEEF
R packageThis R package contains the functionality used for processing the data in the LEEF project.
The R package is in a drat repository, i.e. an R repository with the same functionality as CRAN, only managed by the maintainer of the LEEF-UZH organisation on github.
To install it, you need to install the drat
package if it is not installed yet
To install the LEEF
package, you simply have to run
This installs the LEEF
package and all additional
packages needed for processing, archiving and adding the research ready data to an SQLite database.